If you are struggling to lower your roller blinds, the actions you take will depend on the type of mechanism that’s being used. Here is a look at what to do to lower your blinds based on the mechanism.

Spring or sidewinder mechanism?

There are two types of mechanism that we use on our roller blinds: spring-loaded or sidewinder. If you have blinds with a spring mechanism the blinds can be moved up and down without the need for a chain, making them child-safe. Blinds that have a sidewinder mechanism use the chain to turn the roller cylinder, moving the blind up and down as you pull.

Roller blinds: spring mechanism

If you are unable to lower your spring operation roller blind, we suggest you take the following steps:

1. With the blind in the brackets, check the small white pin on the end of the blind. If this is pushed in, pull this out a couple of millimetres to enable you to lower the blind.

2. To lower the blind, pull the blind down and towards yourself slightly.

Roller blinds: sidewinder mechanism

If you are unable to lower your roller blind with a sidewinder mechanism, follow these steps:

1. Check that the blind is fitted in the brackets correctly. The three lugs on the end of the sidewinder control unit should be fitted in the horizontal position in the brackets with the open section of the cog at the bottom.

2. If it isn’t lining up, you will need to shift the lugs into position and check the open section of the cog is in the right place.

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